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Lucy Raises Money for Max’s New Wheels

Lucy Deakin in Year 7 has raised £700 to enable 4 year old Max Potts to buy a new wheelchair...

Lucy Deakin in Year 7 has raised £700 to enable 4 year old Max Potts to buy a new wheelchair. Lucy first met Max, who was born with Cerebral Palsy, when she was at Primary School in Whitegate and she was so impressed by his determination that when she heard that he needed a new wheelchair, she decided that she wanted to help.

Lucy enlisted the help of her friend Jasmine Fox (also Year 7) and organised a Tea Party which took place at Whitegate Church Hall yesterday to raise money for Max; this included a raffle and Lucy even rang round businesses herself for donations.

Thanks to Lucy’s hard work, Max can now buy his new wheelchair. Her mum, Beth said “We are so very proud of her and her desire to help a child less fortunate.”

Well done Lucy!